How to give a presentation in English | Learning English

By Hana 17-02-2024
How to give a presentation in English | Learning English

1. Welcome the participant

To start the meeting we first say thank you to the participant, we can start with: 

  • Hello everyone, and welcome...
  • Welcome everyone, welcome to the meeting today...
  • Good morning, I would like to thanks everyone for joining the meeting today/I would like to thanks everyone for coming today

In some cases, there are some new people in the meeting and we want to get to know everyone before the meeting start. Introduction can help to break the ice, we can use: 

  • Good morning, thanks everyone for join in the meeting today. I know most of you here, however there're some unfamiliar faces here. So let go around the table and introduce ourself/ Let's do a round of introductions/ 

If it's entirely group of new people and we don't know anyone: 

  • Before we get started, let's g around the table and introduce ourself

In some professional setting, you can ask everyone to say their name/their role/their company: 

  • Before we get started, let's g around the table and introduce ourself. Please just say your name, your role and the organization you're from. 
  • Say your name, where're you from and perhaps an interesting fact about yourself

2. Introduce the topic or what is going to be about Or perhap you may tell people how long the meeting

Outline the Agenda

You may want to continue with the purpose of the meeting: 

  • This is our agenda.../I sent the you the agenda before the meeting so you should all have a copy of what on it. Or if you just to want to say some thing, just interrupt as we go through this particular meeting....
  • Welcome everyone, the purpose of today meeting is to complete ...The meeting is going to last no more than one hour...
  • Welcome everyone, welcome to our marketing meeting today. The purpose of today meeting is to discuss the important launch of the new product. This is going to start from the first of November. The meeting today is going to last no longer than one hour. So hopefully we have you out of this meeting. And offline by no later  than 10 minutes after 3 o'clock.
  • Oke..let's get started, shall we? I think everybody is here. Everybody is late, they can join in as we along.
  • Let's get this meeting start/let's kick off the meeting with the brief rundown of the last meeting...
  • let's kick off the meeting now, we don't want to hold every body up, we have to finish by 3 o'clock. it's good if we can get the meeting straight away.
  • Let's get the ball rolling with....

Signposting language: 

First/Second/then/after that/lastly (finally)

  • The first item on the Agenda is.... Then we move to item 2, which is....And then... And finally we discuss.... 

3. Set a ground rules

  • We just get to go through some housekeeping first
  • If you have your phone with you, please take a moment to turn it off or switch it in silent mode. just we don't have any distraction. 
  • If you have any questions outside of the agenda, just save them for the end
  • If you have any question during our discussion, just use the raised hand reaction so I can see it on screen/ Feel free to share your comments or questions in the chat 
  • Please to put your microphones on mute to keep a disruption to a minimum

Can you see my screen?

Give the advance notice:

  • OK can I share my screen with you? 
  • OK I gonna share my screen with you now, is it ok? 
  • Can you see my screen? do you want me to make it bigger? 
  • I gonna put my presentation now 

If you have got any comments, you can put them in the chat line 

Ask for clarification?

Could you speak more slowly please, can everyboby can understand?

Could you explain it again? /Could you go through it again? I didn't quite understand it /Could you repeat that last bit please?

Could you speak up little bit please (a little louder)

I did not quite get that. Could you please say it again/go through it again? 

How to Interrupt someone? 

  • Do you mind if I just jump in really quick?
  • I don’t mean to interrupt, but…
  • May I interrupt briefly?
  • Can I just add my two cents?
  • Can I quickly share an idea that just popped in?
  • Can I just add something here?

Talk about technical issues

Talk about moving on in the meeting 

Summaries and close the meeting

Let’s Be Friend!

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