ielts writing task 1

By Hana 03-03-2024
ielts writing task 1
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Ielts writing line graph

The graph below shows consumers’ average annual expenditure on cell phone, national and international fixed-line and services in America between 2001 and 2010.

Biểu đồ đường thể hiện về mức trình bình tiêu thụ hằng năm của điện thoại, dịch vụ điện thoại quốc tế và trong nước. Rõ ràng là việc sử dụng điện thoại di động ngày càng tăng, trái ngược lại thì điện thoại dây trong nước lại giảm. Dịch vụ điện thoại quốc tế thấp nhất so với 2 dịch vụ còn lại.

The line chart illustrates the average of spending amount manually on cell phong, national international fixed-line and international fixed-line services in America over the period of 2001 and 2010. It's clear that the yearly spending on cell phone increased significantly, the opposite was true for national-fixed services expenditure. The internal fixed-line services amount is lowest compare to two other services.

In 2021, there're nearly $700 spent on national fixed-line service by US residents, in comparison with only $200 each on mobile phone and international fixed-line services. Over the next five years, the average amount spent on national fixed-line services decreased by approximately $200. By contrast, yearly spending on cell phone services witnessed a significant increase of roughly $300. A the same time, the figure for international fixed-line services fluctuated slightly below $300

In 2006, US consumer spent the same amount of money on mobile and national fixed-line services, with just over $500 on each. From the year 2006 onwards, it can be seen that the average yearly expenditure one mobile phone services surpassed that of national fixed-line services and became a most common means of telecommunication. To be more specific, yearly spending on mobile phone services increased nearly $750 in the final year, while the figure for national fixed-line services decreased to about $400 by the end of the period. During same period, there was stability in the figure for international phone services. 

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